You can help us to provide more boxes for grieving parents!!!
Your donations make it possile to reimburse our artists
for shipping expenses. We do not have any overhead, donations are applied
100 % to reimburse artists for shipping. All donations are tax deductible.
If you would like to donate to the program, you may do this via PayPal
Tole Friend's Memory Box Association
3520 Post Valley Drive,
O'Fallon, MO 63368-7062
Three or four times a week the Memory Box Program receives
requests from new hospitals wanting to be part of the program. It is
sad that we have to turn these hospitals down because the artists in
the program hardly have the funds to provide boxes to the hospitals
already in the program.
The volunteers who paint the boxes for the program cover the expense
of purchasing the boxes, the painting supplies to make them beautiful,
and the expense of shipping them to the hospitals. This a considerable
expense for the artists most of who are retired and on a fixed income.
With your donations we are able to reimburse
our volunteers for the shipping of the boxes to the hospitals.This is
the largest expense the artists have to pay. By reimbursing the shipping
the artists are able to paint more boxes.
One hundred percent of the donations the program receives are applied
to reimburse the artists for shipping the boxes. All other expenses
(website, etc.) are covered by volunteers. All donations are tax deductible
as the Tole Friends Memory Box Program has a “not for profit”
designation from the IRS. You will receive a tax deduction letter for
you records for the IRS.
Thank you in advance for any help you can give the program.
The Memory Box Team